Monday, October 5, 2009

Find Your Strongest Life!

Find Your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham was unlike any book I have ever read. It was not like a self-help book, but it was packed with encouragement and simple ideas to help you find what makes your life strong. Not only did it offer statistical studies, real life stories of women who made changes to live their strongest life, but it was full of practical ideas of how everyone can live their own strong life. The strong life test (found at opened my eyes to new ways I can live my life with success, happiness, and living strong!!! The test showed me my lead and supporting roles in areas where I am at my best. The book also shared what each role looked liked and gave me ideas of where I would best be suited with my roles in all areas of life!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book review of Fearless by Max Lucado!

Fearless, by Max Lucao is a book that has come just at the right time. Fear seems to be a topic on the minds of everyone in this country, as well as all over the world. Lucado goes deeper into many of the different fears that people most often face. Several of the ideas he went into deeper explanation about, I had never really thought of before as a fear. This book opened my eyes even more to the plight that so many face on a daily basis. With the changes in this world in just the last 5-10 years, the fears people have, have seemed to escalate to such a high level. What used to be ideas or brief thoughts, are now full blown fears! I would recommend this book to be placed into the hands of everyone who has ANY sort of fear, large or small. Whatever fear you may be facing, Lucado describes the answer in very simple terms. Give your cares, concerns and fears to God, and let him take care of it. Much easier said than done, but we have the best example of all to follow. Even Jesus had fears, and he was able to conquer them and still go to the cross for us. As the subtitle of the book states, Imagine Your Life Without Fear! IT IS POSSIBLE!!!!!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

This month has seemed to be the month of celebration. My birthday was the key event for most of the month. I was very blessed to have so many parties, and people who loved on me, and spoiled me!
Now it is the eve of the first day of school, and I am not feeling ready. Homeschooling 2 kids full time, and 1 kid part time is something I have never done before. I am nervous and feel very inadequate right now. I am ready to get started and find a good routine though with everything going on.
I am beyond exhausted, but sleep does not seem to come :( I need to figure something out because I can not keep not sleeping.
More running news. I decided not to run the Chicago half marathon. It is only a few weeks away, and my training has been off, so there is no way I can be ready without risking injury. I found a local one here for the end of October, so that is what I am signed up for now! I still have a lot of work to do, but I am excited for it!
Well, I must get back to work on school lessons, and scheduling, and then BED EARLY!!!

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Took the Myers-Briggs results....ESFJ (Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling, Judgment)

You are warmhearted, conscientious, and cooperative. You want harmony in your environment, and work with determination to establish it. You like to work with others to complete tasks accurately and on time. You are loyal and follow through even in small matters. You notice what others need in their day-by-day lives and try to provide it. You want to be appreciated for who you are and for what you contribute.

Random dad took it as well, and he was an, we are alike in more ways that I ever knew!
BUSY BUSY much going on inside my heart too...I can not really think right now, and really just want to sleep. Getting back from vacation always seems to do this to me...ugh...oh well, I am thankful that I am alive, well, and had the chance to get away.
I need to post new pics.
Good thing about today is that I pre-ordered new Barlow Girl CD with birthday $! And I got to download the new hit song, Beautiful Ending! It is rather amazing and really reminds me of all that God has done in my life! He took my life of pain, heartache, misery, depression, and the self destructive path I was on, and brought me out and is giving me a beautiful ending!
Another HUGE blessing this week was receiving Max Lucados new book, Fearless!!!! It is SO good! In July God released ALL fear off my life, and this book it a perfect read to keep me living in that freedom from fear. I am going to be blogging about it along the way as I read, and give a review when I finish it. So far, my favorite line has been, "Fear corrodes our confidence in God's goodness." WOW, that hit me so hard, cause it is SO true. All those fears that I had in my life took away my ability to trust God with everything that I have.
Well, it is time to me to get some more work done in my room. Recovering from vacation is hard work...hehe ;)

Monday, August 10, 2009