Monday, February 28, 2011

The Cause Within You

Wow wow wow. The Cause Within You by Matthew Barnett is a life changing book. This book captures the heart of God in what he has for us to do in this life here on earth. There are so many hurting people who need to know that God still loves them, and that hope is still there. A quote from the book that touches my heart still was "hopelessness is exhausting." This quote really explains what so many people in this world are facing day in and day out. Whether they are they are a homeless person, drug addict, or prostitute, like Barnett talks so much about in his book, or a 'normal' person we see in our day-to-day life, so many people have lost hope. Barnett challenges each and every one of us to find OUR CAUSE. We each have a cause that God has destined for us to find. Once we find that cause we can not let fear hold us back from being a part of it. We have to make our mark in order to change this world.
"Your cause was made to consume you. When it does, you become like the sun, a blazing ball of energy that illuminates and brings life to a world of frozen hearts and souls."

Friday, January 28, 2011

You Were Made to Make a Difference

Reading You Were Made to Make a Difference by Jenna Lucado Bishop has been another great book. It takes many of the same principals and I ideas that come from her dad's book, Out Live Your Life (Max Lucado). This book however is geared towards a teenager. The book helps young people to look at the life then are currently living and how they can step out and make a difference, no matter how old they are. There are many great examples given of kids who saw a problem and stepped up to make a change. They took initiative and when the adults surrounding the kids saw what they were doing, the jumped on board and real changes happened. No matter what your age, this book is a great reminder that we WERE ALL made to MAKE A DIFFERENCE.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Out Live Your Life

Wow, wow, wow. I just finished reading "Out Live Your Life" by Max Luado and it was another life-changing book. Lucado takes you back in time and looks at the stories from the first church in Acts and turns them into modern day tales. It is so easy to relate to what the first church was going through, and I felt like I was there with them. Each story then went on to challenge us modern day Christians how we can become involved in even the smallest things to really make a difference in this word. I have been challenged by this book to take action to really out live my life. There are so many easy ways to help others all over the world in a matter of minutes. I am thankful that Lucado brings these ways to our attention, but it is our responsibility to take the step to really make a difference.

Already I have taken action and sponsored a child through World Vision, sponsored a friend raising money for the cause for orphans, and I am talking to several people I know about helping to micro-financing others in third world countries. These all took a matter of minutes, and I challenge you to do something as well.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Book Review! A Girl's Guide to Life by Katie Meier

A Girl’s Guide to Life by Katie Meier is a great book. As someone who works with young girls, and has been in a place where may young girls are today, I wish I would have had this book when I as a pre-teen/teenager. This book looks into the three main parts of a person, body, mind, and soul. Topics range from self-esteem to parents to relationships and how your body is changing. Meier asks a lot of great questions throughout the chapters that will make any one think. This book is also relevant to the times we live in as it discusses the cyber world, texting, an about all the technology we have at our fingertips. I would recommend this book to any parent of a young or teenage girl, anyone who works with girls (teachers, youth workers, youth pastors, mentors, etc). Once again, another great book from Thomas Nelson Publishers.

Thursday, June 3, 2010


Here is another review for a book from Thomas Nelson Publishers.
I have been attempting to read the book "Green" by Ted Dekker for months now, and just can not seem to get into it. It is very well written, but not my style of book. I would recommend it if you like science fiction things, and books that jump back and forth between time periods.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Find Your Strongest Life!

Find Your Strongest Life by Marcus Buckingham was unlike any book I have ever read. It was not like a self-help book, but it was packed with encouragement and simple ideas to help you find what makes your life strong. Not only did it offer statistical studies, real life stories of women who made changes to live their strongest life, but it was full of practical ideas of how everyone can live their own strong life. The strong life test (found at opened my eyes to new ways I can live my life with success, happiness, and living strong!!! The test showed me my lead and supporting roles in areas where I am at my best. The book also shared what each role looked liked and gave me ideas of where I would best be suited with my roles in all areas of life!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Book review of Fearless by Max Lucado!

Fearless, by Max Lucao is a book that has come just at the right time. Fear seems to be a topic on the minds of everyone in this country, as well as all over the world. Lucado goes deeper into many of the different fears that people most often face. Several of the ideas he went into deeper explanation about, I had never really thought of before as a fear. This book opened my eyes even more to the plight that so many face on a daily basis. With the changes in this world in just the last 5-10 years, the fears people have, have seemed to escalate to such a high level. What used to be ideas or brief thoughts, are now full blown fears! I would recommend this book to be placed into the hands of everyone who has ANY sort of fear, large or small. Whatever fear you may be facing, Lucado describes the answer in very simple terms. Give your cares, concerns and fears to God, and let him take care of it. Much easier said than done, but we have the best example of all to follow. Even Jesus had fears, and he was able to conquer them and still go to the cross for us. As the subtitle of the book states, Imagine Your Life Without Fear! IT IS POSSIBLE!!!!!